Emergent Mind

Constant Inapproximability for PPA

Published Jan 24, 2022 in cs.CC and cs.GT


In the $\varepsilon$-Consensus-Halving problem, we are given $n$ probability measures $v1, \dots, vn$ on the interval $R = [0,1]$, and the goal is to partition $R$ into two parts $R+$ and $R-$ using at most $n$ cuts, so that $|vi(R+) - vi(R-)| \leq \varepsilon$ for all $i$. This fundamental fair division problem was the first natural problem shown to be complete for the class PPA, and all subsequent PPA-completeness results for other natural problems have been obtained by reducing from it. We show that $\varepsilon$-Consensus-Halving is PPA-complete even when the parameter $\varepsilon$ is a constant. In fact, we prove that this holds for any constant $\varepsilon < 1/5$. As a result, we obtain constant inapproximability results for all known natural PPA-complete problems, including Necklace-Splitting, the Discrete-Ham-Sandwich problem, two variants of the pizza sharing problem, and for finding fair independent sets in cycles and paths.

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