Emergent Mind

Correlated Equilibria and Fairness in Concurrent Stochastic Games

Published Jan 24, 2022 in cs.GT and cs.LO


Game-theoretic techniques and equilibria analysis facilitate the design and verification of competitive systems. While algorithmic complexity of equilibria computation has been extensively studied, practical implementation and application of game-theoretic methods is more recent. Tools such as PRISM-games support automated verification and synthesis of zero-sum and (epsilon-optimal subgame-perfect) social welfare Nash equilibria properties for concurrent stochastic games. However, these methods become inefficient as the number of agents grows and may also generate equilibria that yield significant variations in the outcomes for individual agents. Instead, we consider correlated equilibria, in which players can coordinate through public signals, and introduce an alternative optimality criterion of social fairness, which can be applied to both Nash and correlated equilibria. We show that correlated equilibria are easier to compute, are more equitable, and can also improve joint outcomes. We implement algorithms for both normal form games and the more complex case of multi-player concurrent stochastic games with temporal logic specifications.

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