Emergent Mind


Flooding is one of the most dangerous weather events today. Between $2015-2019$, on average, flooding has caused more than $130$ deaths every year in the USA alone. The devastating nature of flood necessitates the continuous monitoring of water level in the rivers and streams to detect the incoming flood. In this work, we have designed and implemented an efficient vision-based ensemble solution to continuously detect the water level in the creek. Our solution adapts template matching algorithm to find the region of interest by leveraging edge maps, and combines two parallel approach to identify the water level. While first approach fits a linear regression model in edge map to identify the water line, second approach uses a split sliding window to compute the sum of squared difference in pixel intensities to find the water surface. We evaluated the proposed system on $4306$ images collected between $3$rd October and $18$th December in 2019 with the frequency of $1$ image in every $10$ minutes. The system exhibited low error rate as it achieved $4.8$, $3.1\%$ and $0.92$ scores for MAE, MAPE and $R2$ evaluation metrics, respectively. We believe the proposed solution is very practical as it is pervasive, accurate, doesn't require installation of any additional infrastructure in the water body and can be easily adapted to other locations.


  • An innovative vision-based system for detecting water levels in streams is introduced, leveraging edge map-based template matching and machine learning.

  • The solution combines linear regression and a split sliding window approach for accurate water level detection.

  • Utilizing the holistically-nested edge detection (HED) algorithm and template matching techniques allows for rapid response and precise detection.

  • Performance evaluation on over 4300 images shows notable accuracy, suggesting potential for practical flood monitoring applications.

Vision-Based Ensemble Approach for Water Level Detection in Streams

Introduction to the Research

Flooding poses a significant risk to lives and property, prompting the need for accurate and timely flood detection mechanisms. A recent study co-authored by researchers from Northern Illinois University and Argonne National Laboratory presents an innovative vision-based solution for detecting water levels in streams, aiming to enhance early flood warning systems. This ensemble solution leverages edge map-based template matching and machine learning algorithms to identify water levels from camera images, circumventing the need for physical sensor installation in water bodies.

Core Components of the Solution

The research introduces a practical and efficient method for continuous water level monitoring through a vision-based system comprising several key components:

  • Accurate Detection: An ensemble solution combining linear regression and a split sliding window approach for identifying water levels in edge map images ensures precise detection.
  • Rapid Response: By utilizing pre-trained holistically-nested edge detection (HED) and template matching techniques, the system quickly identifies regions of interest, enabling fast water level determination.
  • Trustworthiness: The system only reports water levels under high-quality image conditions, thus maintaining reliability and avoiding potential misinformation from poor-quality input images.

Methodology and Implementation

The study's methodology centers around processing images captured from a strategically placed camera overlooking a creek, through several stages:

  1. Image Pre-processing: Images undergo segmentation to identify the region of interest, followed by noise reduction and enhancements to mitigate poor lighting conditions.
  2. Edge Mapping: Utilizing the HED algorithm, images are converted into edge maps to highlight the water surface more vividly, reducing variance and enhancing template matching accuracy.
  3. Template Matching: A pre-defined template based on edge maps facilitates identifying the water line’s location, serving as a critical step in ensuring high-quality inputs proceed to the final detection algorithms.
  4. Water Level Detection: Utilizing a dual approach—linear regression on water coordinates and a split sliding window technique, the system robustly identifies the water line, signifying the stream's water level.

Performance and Evaluation

Evaluated on over 4300 images collected from an urban campus setting, the system demonstrated notable accuracy, achieving low error rates across multiple metrics: mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.8, mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 3.1%, and an R-squared value of 0.92. These results underscore the solution's potential in practical flood monitoring applications.

Future Directions and Implications

The proposed solution marks a significant step towards more effective flood detection without the extensive infrastructure required by traditional methods. Its adaptability to various locations and conditions, combined with low implementation costs, opens up possibilities for widespread adoption and potentially crowdsourcing water level data for more comprehensive flood risk assessment. Future research aims to further refine this solution by enhancing its predictive accuracy under challenging conditions, such as heavy rain or debris flow, and extending its applicability across more diverse environments.


This study presents a compelling vision-based approach to stream water level detection, offering a scalable, accurate, and cost-effective alternative to traditional flood monitoring systems. By leveraging advanced image processing and machine learning techniques, this solution stands poised to significantly contribute to early flood warning efforts, potentially saving lives and property in flood-prone areas.

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