Emergent Mind


Self-supervised learning has drawn attention through its effectiveness in learning in-domain representations with no ground-truth annotations; in particular, it is shown that properly designed pretext tasks (e.g., contrastive prediction task) bring significant performance gains for downstream tasks (e.g., classification task). Inspired from this, we tackle video scene segmentation, which is a task of temporally localizing scene boundaries in a video, with a self-supervised learning framework where we mainly focus on designing effective pretext tasks. In our framework, we discover a pseudo-boundary from a sequence of shots by splitting it into two continuous, non-overlapping sub-sequences and leverage the pseudo-boundary to facilitate the pre-training. Based on this, we introduce three novel boundary-aware pretext tasks: 1) Shot-Scene Matching (SSM), 2) Contextual Group Matching (CGM) and 3) Pseudo-boundary Prediction (PP); SSM and CGM guide the model to maximize intra-scene similarity and inter-scene discrimination while PP encourages the model to identify transitional moments. Through comprehensive analysis, we empirically show that pre-training and transferring contextual representation are both critical to improving the video scene segmentation performance. Lastly, we achieve the new state-of-the-art on the MovieNet-SSeg benchmark. The code is available at https://github.com/kakaobrain/bassl.

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