Emergent Mind

A Quadratic 0-1 Programming Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation

Published Jan 13, 2022 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is the task to determine the sense of an ambiguous word in a given context. Previous approaches for WSD have focused on supervised and knowledge-based methods, but inter-sense interactions patterns or regularities for disambiguation remain to be found. We argue the following cause as one of the major difficulties behind finding the right patterns: for a particular context, the intended senses of a sequence of ambiguous words are dependent on each other, i.e. the choice of one word's sense is associated with the choice of another word's sense, making WSD a combinatorial optimization problem.In this work, we approach the interactions between senses of different target words by a Quadratic 0-1 Integer Programming model (QIP) that maximizes the objective function consisting of (1) the similarity between candidate senses of a target word and the word in a context (the sense-word similarity), and (2) the semantic interactions (relatedness) between senses of all words in the context (the sense-sense relatedness).

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