Emergent Mind


Recommender Systems (RSs) aim to model and predict the user preference while interacting with items, such as Points of Interest (POIs). These systems face several challenges, such as data sparsity, limiting their effectiveness. In this paper, we address this problem by incorporating social, geographical, and temporal information into the Matrix Factorization (MF) technique. To this end, we model social influence based on two factors: similarities between users in terms of common check-ins and the friendships between them. We introduce two levels of friendship based on explicit friendship networks and high check-in overlap between users. We base our friendship algorithm on users' geographical activity centers. The results show that our proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art on two real-world datasets. More specifically, our ablation study shows that the social model improves the performance of our proposed POI recommendation system by 31% and 14% on the Gowalla and Yelp datasets in terms of Precision@10, respectively.

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