Emergent Mind

GP-HMAT: Scalable, ${O}(n\log(n))$ Gaussian Process Regression with Hierarchical Low-Rank Matrices

Published Dec 17, 2021 in math.NA , cs.CE , and cs.NA


A Gaussian process (GP) is a powerful and widely used regression technique. The main building block of a GP regression is the covariance kernel, which characterizes the relationship between pairs in the random field. The optimization to find the optimal kernel, however, requires several large-scale and often unstructured matrix inversions. We tackle this challenge by introducing a hierarchical matrix approach, named HMAT, which effectively decomposes the matrix structure, in a recursive manner, into significantly smaller matrices where a direct approach could be used for inversion. Our matrix partitioning uses a particular aggregation strategy for data points, which promotes the low-rank structure of off-diagonal blocks in the hierarchical kernel matrix. We employ a randomized linear algebra method for matrix reduction on the low-rank off-diagonal blocks without factorizing a large matrix. We provide analytical error and cost estimates for the inversion of the matrix, investigate them empirically with numerical computations, and demonstrate the application of our approach on three numerical examples involving GP regression for engineering problems and a large-scale real dataset. We provide the computer implementation of GP-HMAT, HMAT adapted for GP likelihood and derivative computations, and the implementation of the last numerical example on a real dataset. We demonstrate superior scalability of the HMAT approach compared to built-in $\backslash$ operator in MATLAB for large-scale linear solves $\bf{A}\bf{x} = \bf{y}$ via a repeatable and verifiable empirical study. An extension to hierarchical semiseparable (HSS) matrices is discussed as future research.

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