Emergent Mind

On the Cross-dataset Generalization in License Plate Recognition

Published Jan 2, 2022 in cs.CV


Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems have shown remarkable performance on license plates (LPs) from multiple regions due to advances in deep learning and the increasing availability of datasets. The evaluation of deep ALPR systems is usually done within each dataset; therefore, it is questionable if such results are a reliable indicator of generalization ability. In this paper, we propose a traditional-split versus leave-one-dataset-out experimental setup to empirically assess the cross-dataset generalization of 12 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) models applied to LP recognition on nine publicly available datasets with a great variety in several aspects (e.g., acquisition settings, image resolution, and LP layouts). We also introduce a public dataset for end-to-end ALPR that is the first to contain images of vehicles with Mercosur LPs and the one with the highest number of motorcycle images. The experimental results shed light on the limitations of the traditional-split protocol for evaluating approaches in the ALPR context, as there are significant drops in performance for most datasets when training and testing the models in a leave-one-dataset-out fashion.

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