Emergent Mind


Deep learning approaches have achieved highly accurate face recognition by training the models with very large face image datasets. Unlike the availability of large 2D face image datasets, there is a lack of large 3D face datasets available to the public. Existing public 3D face datasets were usually collected with few subjects, leading to the over-fitting problem. This paper proposes two CNN models to improve the RGB-D face recognition task. The first is a segmentation-aware depth estimation network, called DepthNet, which estimates depth maps from RGB face images by including semantic segmentation information for more accurate face region localization. The other is a novel mask-guided RGB-D face recognition model that contains an RGB recognition branch, a depth map recognition branch, and an auxiliary segmentation mask branch with a spatial attention module. Our DepthNet is used to augment a large 2D face image dataset to a large RGB-D face dataset, which is used for training an accurate RGB-D face recognition model. Furthermore, the proposed mask-guided RGB-D face recognition model can fully exploit the depth map and segmentation mask information and is more robust against pose variation than previous methods. Our experimental results show that DepthNet can produce more reliable depth maps from face images with the segmentation mask. Our mask-guided face recognition model outperforms state-of-the-art methods on several public 3D face datasets.

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