Emergent Mind

Deep Surrogate for Direct Time Fluid Dynamics

Published Dec 16, 2021 in cs.LG and physics.flu-dyn


The ubiquity of fluids in the physical world explains the need to accurately simulate their dynamics for many scientific and engineering applications. Traditionally, well established but resource intensive CFD solvers provide such simulations. The recent years have seen a surge of deep learning surrogate models substituting these solvers to alleviate the simulation process. Some approaches to build data-driven surrogates mimic the solver iterative process. They infer the next state of the fluid given its previous one. Others directly infer the state from time input. Approaches also differ in their management of the spatial information. Graph Neural Networks (GNN) can address the specificity of the irregular meshes commonly used in CFD simulations. In this article, we present our ongoing work to design a novel direct time GNN architecture for irregular meshes. It consists of a succession of graphs of increasing size connected by spline convolutions. We test our architecture on the Von K{\'a}rm{\'a}n's vortex street benchmark. It achieves small generalization errors while mitigating error accumulation along the trajectory.

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