Emergent Mind

Wasserstein Generative Learning of Conditional Distribution

Published Dec 19, 2021 in cs.LG , math.ST , and stat.TH


Conditional distribution is a fundamental quantity for describing the relationship between a response and a predictor. We propose a Wasserstein generative approach to learning a conditional distribution. The proposed approach uses a conditional generator to transform a known distribution to the target conditional distribution. The conditional generator is estimated by matching a joint distribution involving the conditional generator and the target joint distribution, using the Wasserstein distance as the discrepancy measure for these joint distributions. We establish non-asymptotic error bound of the conditional sampling distribution generated by the proposed method and show that it is able to mitigate the curse of dimensionality, assuming that the data distribution is supported on a lower-dimensional set. We conduct numerical experiments to validate proposed method and illustrate its applications to conditional sample generation, nonparametric conditional density estimation, prediction uncertainty quantification, bivariate response data, image reconstruction and image generation.

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