Emergent Mind


Transferring multiple objects between bins is a common task for many applications. In robotics, a standard approach is to pick up one object and transfer it at a time. However, grasping and picking up multiple objects and transferring them together at once is more efficient. This paper presents a set of novel strategies for efficiently grasping multiple objects in a bin to transfer them to another. The strategies enable a robotic hand to identify an optimal ready hand configuration (pre-grasp) and calculate a flexion synergy based on the desired quantity of objects to be grasped. This paper also presents an approach that uses the Markov decision process (MDP) to model the pick-transfer routines when the required quantity is larger than the capability of a single grasp. Using the MDP model, the proposed approach can generate an optimal pick-transfer routine that minimizes the number of transfers, representing efficiency. The proposed approach has been evaluated in both a simulation environment and on a real robotic system. The results show the approach reduces the number of transfers by 59% and the number of lifts by 58% compared to an optimal single object pick-transfer solution.

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