Emergent Mind


The Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture has recently achieved competitive performance across a variety of computer vision tasks. One of the motivations behind ViTs is weaker inductive biases, when compared to convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However this also makes ViTs more difficult to train. They require very large training datasets, heavy regularization, and strong data augmentations. The data augmentation strategies used to train ViTs have largely been inherited from CNN training, despite the significant differences between the two architectures. In this work, we empirical evaluated how different data augmentation strategies performed on CNN (e.g., ResNet) versus ViT architectures for image classification. We introduced a style transfer data augmentation, termed StyleAug, which worked best for training ViTs, while RandAugment and Augmix typically worked best for training CNNs. We also found that, in addition to a classification loss, using a consistency loss between multiple augmentations of the same image was especially helpful when training ViTs.

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