Emergent Mind

Twin-Distance-Hereditary Digraphs

Published Dec 8, 2021 in cs.DM


We investigate structural and algorithmic advantages of a directed version of the well-researched class of distance-hereditary graphs. Since the previously defined distance-hereditary digraphs do not permit a recursive structure, we define directed twin-distance-hereditary graphs, which can be constructed by several twin and pendant vertex operations analogously to undirected distance-hereditary graphs and which still preserves the distance hereditary property. We give a characterization by forbidden induced subdigraphs and place the class in the hierarchy, comparing it to related classes. We further show algorithmic advantages concerning directed width parameters, directed graph coloring and some other well-known digraph problems which are NP-hard in general, but computable in polynomial or even linear time on twin-distance-hereditary digraphs. This includes computability of directed path-width and tree-width in linear time and the directed chromatic number in polynomial time. From our result that directed twin-distance-hereditary graphs have directed clique-width at most $3$ it follows by Courcelle's theorem on directed clique-width that we can compute every graph problem describable in which is describable in monadic second-order logic on quantification over vertices and vertex sets as well as some further problems like Hamiltonian Path/Cycle in polynomial time.

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