Emergent Mind

Keyword Assisted Embedded Topic Model

Published Nov 22, 2021 in cs.IR , cs.CL , and cs.LG


By illuminating latent structures in a corpus of text, topic models are an essential tool for categorizing, summarizing, and exploring large collections of documents. Probabilistic topic models, such as latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), describe how words in documents are generated via a set of latent distributions called topics. Recently, the Embedded Topic Model (ETM) has extended LDA to utilize the semantic information in word embeddings to derive semantically richer topics. As LDA and its extensions are unsupervised models, they aren't defined to make efficient use of a user's prior knowledge of the domain. To this end, we propose the Keyword Assisted Embedded Topic Model (KeyETM), which equips ETM with the ability to incorporate user knowledge in the form of informative topic-level priors over the vocabulary. Using both quantitative metrics and human responses on a topic intrusion task, we demonstrate that KeyETM produces better topics than other guided, generative models in the literature.

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