Emergent Mind

Spintronic memristors for computing

Published Dec 6, 2021 in physics.app-ph , cond-mat.mtrl-sci , and cs.ET


The ever-increasing amount of data from ubiquitous smart devices fosters data-centric and cognitive algorithms. Traditional digital computer systems have separate logic and memory units, resulting in a huge delay and energy cost for implementing these algorithms. Memristors are programmable resistors with a memory, providing a paradigm-shifting approach towards creating intelligent hardware systems to handle data-centric tasks. Spintronic nanodevices are promising choices as they are high-speed, low-power, highly scalable, robust, and capable of constructing dynamic complex systems. In this Review, we survey spintronic devices from a memristor point of view. We introduce spintronic memristors based on magnetic tunnel junctions, nanomagnet ensemble, domain walls, topological spin textures, and spin waves, which represent dramatically different state spaces. They can exhibit steady, oscillatory, stochastic, and chaotic trajectories in their state spaces, which have been exploited for in-memory logic, neuromorphic computing, stochastic and chaos computing. Finally, we discuss challenges and trends in realizing large-scale spintronic memristive systems for practical applications.

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