Emergent Mind

Faster Maxflow via Improved Dynamic Spectral Vertex Sparsifiers

Published Dec 1, 2021 in cs.DS and math.OC


We make several advances broadly related to the maintenance of electrical flows in weighted graphs undergoing dynamic resistance updates, including: 1. More efficient dynamic spectral vertex sparsification, achieved by faster length estimation of random walks in weighted graphs using Morris counters [Morris 1978, Nelson-Yu 2020]. 2. A direct reduction from detecting edges with large energy in dynamic electric flows to dynamic spectral vertex sparsifiers. 3. A procedure for turning algorithms for estimating a sequence of vectors under updates from an oblivious adversary to one that tolerates adaptive adversaries via the Gaussian-mechanism from differential privacy. Combining these pieces with modifications to prior robust interior point frameworks gives an algorithm that on graphs with $m$ edges computes a mincost flow with edge costs and capacities in $[1, U]$ in time $\widetilde{O}(m{3/2-1/58} \log2 U)$. In prior and independent work, [Axiotis-M\k{a}dry-Vladu FOCS 2021] also obtained an improved algorithm for sparse mincost flows on capacitated graphs. Our algorithm implies a $\widetilde{O}(m{3/2-1/58} \log U)$ time maxflow algorithm, improving over the $\widetilde{O}(m{3/2-1/328}\log U)$ time maxflow algorithm of [Gao-Liu-Peng FOCS 2021].

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