Emergent Mind


Deep neural networks are discovered to be non-robust when attacked by imperceptible adversarial examples, which is dangerous for it applied into medical diagnostic system that requires high reliability. However, the defense methods that have good effect in natural images may not be suitable for medical diagnostic tasks. The preprocessing methods (e.g., random resizing, compression) may lead to the loss of the small lesions feature in the medical image. Retraining the network on the augmented data set is also not practical for medical models that have already been deployed online. Accordingly, it is necessary to design an easy-to-deploy and effective defense framework for medical diagnostic tasks. In this paper, we propose a Robust and Retrain-Less Diagnostic Framework for Medical pretrained models against adversarial attack (i.e., MedRDF). It acts on the inference time of the pertained medical model. Specifically, for each test image, MedRDF firstly creates a large number of noisy copies of it, and obtains the output labels of these copies from the pretrained medical diagnostic model. Then, based on the labels of these copies, MedRDF outputs the final robust diagnostic result by majority voting. In addition to the diagnostic result, MedRDF produces the Robust Metric (RM) as the confidence of the result. Therefore, it is convenient and reliable to utilize MedRDF to convert pre-trained non-robust diagnostic models into robust ones. The experimental results on COVID-19 and DermaMNIST datasets verify the effectiveness of our MedRDF in improving the robustness of medical diagnostic models.

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