Emergent Mind


In autonomous driving, learning a segmentation model that can adapt to various environmental conditions is crucial. In particular, copying with severe illumination changes is an impelling need, as models trained on daylight data will perform poorly at nighttime. In this paper, we study the problem of Domain Adaptive Nighttime Semantic Segmentation (DANSS), which aims to learn a discriminative nighttime model with a labeled daytime dataset and an unlabeled dataset, including coarsely aligned day-night image pairs. To this end, we propose a novel Bidirectional Mixing (Bi-Mix) framework for DANSS, which can contribute to both image translation and segmentation adaptation processes. Specifically, in the image translation stage, Bi-Mix leverages the knowledge of day-night image pairs to improve the quality of nighttime image relighting. On the other hand, in the segmentation adaptation stage, Bi-Mix effectively bridges the distribution gap between day and night domains for adapting the model to the night domain. In both processes, Bi-Mix simply operates by mixing two samples without extra hyper-parameters, thus it is easy to implement. Extensive experiments on Dark Zurich and Nighttime Driving datasets demonstrate the advantage of the proposed Bi-Mix and show that our approach obtains state-of-the-art performance in DANSS. Our code is available at https://github.com/ygjwd12345/BiMix.

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