Emergent Mind

On Clustering with Discounts

Published Nov 18, 2021 in cs.DS


We study the $k$-median with discounts problem, wherein we are given clients with non-negative discounts and seek to open at most $k$ facilities. The goal is to minimize the sum of distances from each client to its nearest open facility which is discounted by its own discount value, with minimum contribution being zero. $k$-median with discounts unifies many classic clustering problems, e.g., $k$-center, $k$-median, $k$-facility $l$-centrum, etc. We obtain a bi-criteria constant-factor approximation using an iterative LP rounding algorithm. Our result improves the previously best approximation guarantee for $k$-median with discounts [Ganesh et al., ICALP'21]. We also devise bi-criteria constant-factor approximation algorithms for the matroid and knapsack versions of median clustering with discounts.

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