Emergent Mind

Universal Inference Meets Random Projections: A Scalable Test for Log-concavity

Published Nov 17, 2021 in stat.ME , cs.LG , math.ST , and stat.TH


Shape constraints yield flexible middle grounds between fully nonparametric and fully parametric approaches to modeling distributions of data. The specific assumption of log-concavity is motivated by applications across economics, survival modeling, and reliability theory. However, there do not currently exist valid tests for whether the underlying density of given data is log-concave. The recent universal inference methodology provides a valid test. The universal test relies on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), and efficient methods already exist for finding the log-concave MLE. This yields the first test of log-concavity that is provably valid in finite samples in any dimension, for which we also establish asymptotic consistency results. Empirically, we find that a random projections approach that converts the d-dimensional testing problem into many one-dimensional problems can yield high power, leading to a simple procedure that is statistically and computationally efficient.

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