Emergent Mind

Minimum Cuts in Directed Graphs via Partial Sparsification

Published Nov 17, 2021 in cs.DS


We give an algorithm to find a minimum cut in an edge-weighted directed graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges in $\tilde O(n\cdot \max(m{2/3}, n))$ time. This improves on the 30 year old bound of $\tilde O(nm)$ obtained by Hao and Orlin for this problem. Our main technique is to reduce the directed mincut problem to $\tilde O(\min(n/m{1/3}, \sqrt{n}))$ calls of {\em any} maxflow subroutine. Using state-of-the-art maxflow algorithms, this yields the above running time. Our techniques also yield fast {\em approximation} algorithms for finding minimum cuts in directed graphs. For both edge and vertex weighted graphs, we give $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation algorithms that run in $\tilde O(n2 / \epsilon2)$ time.

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