Emergent Mind


As deep image classification applications, e.g., face recognition, become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, their fairness issues raise more and more concern. It is thus crucial to comprehensively test the fairness of these applications before deployment. Existing fairness testing methods suffer from the following limitations: 1) applicability, i.e., they are only applicable for structured data or text without handling the high-dimensional and abstract domain sampling in the semantic level for image classification applications; 2) functionality, i.e., they generate unfair samples without providing testing criterion to characterize the model's fairness adequacy. To fill the gap, we propose DeepFAIT, a systematic fairness testing framework specifically designed for deep image classification applications. DeepFAIT consists of several important components enabling effective fairness testing of deep image classification applications: 1) a neuron selection strategy to identify the fairness-related neurons; 2) a set of multi-granularity adequacy metrics to evaluate the model's fairness; 3) a test selection algorithm for fixing the fairness issues efficiently. We have conducted experiments on widely adopted large-scale face recognition applications, i.e., VGGFace and FairFace. The experimental results confirm that our approach can effectively identify the fairness-related neurons, characterize the model's fairness, and select the most valuable test cases to mitigate the model's fairness issues.

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