Emergent Mind

Sequential Community Mode Estimation

Published Nov 16, 2021 in stat.ML and cs.LG


We consider a population, partitioned into a set of communities, and study the problem of identifying the largest community within the population via sequential, random sampling of individuals. There are multiple sampling domains, referred to as \emph{boxes}, which also partition the population. Each box may consist of individuals of different communities, and each community may in turn be spread across multiple boxes. The learning agent can, at any time, sample (with replacement) a random individual from any chosen box; when this is done, the agent learns the community the sampled individual belongs to, and also whether or not this individual has been sampled before. The goal of the agent is to minimize the probability of mis-identifying the largest community in a \emph{fixed budget} setting, by optimizing both the sampling strategy as well as the decision rule. We propose and analyse novel algorithms for this problem, and also establish information theoretic lower bounds on the probability of error under any algorithm. In several cases of interest, the exponential decay rates of the probability of error under our algorithms are shown to be optimal up to constant factors. The proposed algorithms are further validated via simulations on real-world datasets.

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