Emergent Mind


The objective of this study is to develop and test a novel structured deep-learning modeling framework for urban flood nowcasting by integrating physics-based and human-sensed features. We present a new computational modeling framework including an attention-based spatial-temporal graph convolution network (ASTGCN) model and different streams of data that are collected in real-time, preprocessed, and fed into the model to consider spatial and temporal information and dependencies that improve flood nowcasting. The novelty of the computational modeling framework is threefold; first, the model is capable of considering spatial and temporal dependencies in inundation propagation thanks to the spatial and temporal graph convolutional modules; second, it enables capturing the influence of heterogeneous temporal data streams that can signal flooding status, including physics-based features such as rainfall intensity and water elevation, and human-sensed data such as flood reports and fluctuations of human activity. Third, its attention mechanism enables the model to direct its focus on the most influential features that vary dynamically. We show the application of the modeling framework in the context of Harris County, Texas, as the case study and Hurricane Harvey as the flood event. Results indicate that the model provides superior performance for the nowcasting of urban flood inundation at the census tract level, with a precision of 0.808 and a recall of 0.891, which shows the model performs better compared with some other novel models. Moreover, ASTGCN model performance improves when heterogeneous dynamic features are added into the model that solely relies on physics-based features, which demonstrates the promise of using heterogenous human-sensed data for flood nowcasting,

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