Emergent Mind

Learning Equilibria in Mean-Field Games: Introducing Mean-Field PSRO

Published Nov 16, 2021 in cs.GT and cs.MA


Recent advances in multiagent learning have seen the introduction ofa family of algorithms that revolve around the population-based trainingmethod PSRO, showing convergence to Nash, correlated and coarse corre-lated equilibria. Notably, when the number of agents increases, learningbest-responses becomes exponentially more difficult, and as such ham-pers PSRO training methods. The paradigm of mean-field games pro-vides an asymptotic solution to this problem when the considered gamesare anonymous-symmetric. Unfortunately, the mean-field approximationintroduces non-linearities which prevent a straightforward adaptation ofPSRO. Building upon optimization and adversarial regret minimization,this paper sidesteps this issue and introduces mean-field PSRO, an adap-tation of PSRO which learns Nash, coarse correlated and correlated equi-libria in mean-field games. The key is to replace the exact distributioncomputation step by newly-defined mean-field no-adversarial-regret learn-ers, or by black-box optimization. We compare the asymptotic complexityof the approach to standard PSRO, greatly improve empirical bandit con-vergence speed by compressing temporal mixture weights, and ensure itis theoretically robust to payoff noise. Finally, we illustrate the speed andaccuracy of mean-field PSRO on several mean-field games, demonstratingconvergence to strong and weak equilibria.

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