Emergent Mind

Attention Mechanisms in Computer Vision: A Survey

Published Nov 15, 2021 in cs.CV


Humans can naturally and effectively find salient regions in complex scenes. Motivated by this observation, attention mechanisms were introduced into computer vision with the aim of imitating this aspect of the human visual system. Such an attention mechanism can be regarded as a dynamic weight adjustment process based on features of the input image. Attention mechanisms have achieved great success in many visual tasks, including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, video understanding, image generation, 3D vision, multi-modal tasks and self-supervised learning. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of various attention mechanisms in computer vision and categorize them according to approach, such as channel attention, spatial attention, temporal attention and branch attention; a related repository https://github.com/MenghaoGuo/Awesome-Vision-Attentions is dedicated to collecting related work. We also suggest future directions for attention mechanism research.


  • The paper surveys various types of attention mechanisms in computer vision, including channel, spatial, temporal, and branch attention, and their hybrid combinations.

  • It reviews the performance and applications of these mechanisms in tasks like image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and video understanding.

  • The paper also discusses the implications of attention mechanisms for model interpretability and future research directions, such as developing unified frameworks and lightweight models.

A Survey on Attention Mechanisms in Computer Vision

Attention mechanisms have become a cornerstone in the development of advanced applications in computer vision. This article will dive into the key aspects of the paper titled "Attention Mechanisms in Computer Vision: A Survey," exploring the various attention mechanisms, their applications, and potential future directions for research.

Overview of Attention Mechanisms

Attention mechanisms in computer vision aim to mimic the human ability to focus selectively on important regions within a scene. These mechanisms dynamically adjust weights based on input features, proving highly effective in numerous visual tasks, from image classification and object detection to semantic segmentation and video understanding.

Categories of Attention Mechanisms

The survey categorizes attention mechanisms into four fundamental types and various hybrid combinations:

  1. Channel Attention: Decides 'what' to focus on within the channels of an input image.
  2. Spatial Attention: Determines 'where' to focus within the spatial domain of an image.
  3. Temporal Attention: Focuses on 'when' to pay attention in the context of video analysis.
  4. Branch Attention: Selects 'which' branches (among multiple sub-networks) to attend to.

Each of these types can be further combined for more specialized focus, such as spatial & temporal attention.

Channel Attention

SENet (Squeeze-and-Excitation Network) popularized the concept of channel attention by emphasizing important channels and suppressing less relevant ones. This technique involves squeezing global spatial information into a channel descriptor and then exciting each channel adaptively using fully connected layers. Variants like GSoP-Net and ECANet improve global information modeling and computational efficiency further.

Performance Metrics: SENet, for instance, achieved significant accuracy improvements in image classification tasks on ImageNet, demonstrating the practical impact of channel attention mechanisms.

Spatial Attention

Spatial attention mechanisms select important regions within the spatial context. Techniques like RAM (Recurrent Attention Model) and STN (Spatial Transformer Network) highlight how attention can be directed spatially through different methods. RAM utilizes reinforcement learning to recurrently focus on relevant areas, while STN explicitly computes spatial transformations to focus on important regions.

Performance Metrics: STN has shown to enhance visual recognition tasks by enabling invariance to image transformations such as translation and scaling.

Temporal Attention

Temporal attention mechanisms handle sequence data, such as video frames. They dynamically determine which time steps are most crucial. STA-LSTM and TAM (Temporal Adaptive Module) demonstrate how attention across time can enhance tasks like action recognition by focusing on critical frames and temporal relations.

Performance Metrics: STA-LSTM has been highly effective in action recognition, proving that selecting key frames over time significantly improves model performance.

Branch Attention

Branch attention mechanisms dynamically select between different sub-networks or branches to optimize learning. Highway Networks and SKNet (Selective Kernel Networks) illustrate the power of dynamically choosing neural paths for better performance.

Performance Metrics: SKNet, through dynamic kernel selection, has shown improvements in image classification accuracy while reducing computational load.

Hybrid Attention Mechanisms

By combining channel and spatial or temporal attentions, models like CBAM (Convolutional Block Attention Module) and DANet (Dual Attention Network) capitalize on the strengths of each type to enhance feature representation further.

Performance Metrics: CBAM and DANet have achieved state-of-the-art results in tasks like image classification and semantic segmentation.

Implications and Future Directions

Attention mechanisms aren't just for improving model accuracy. They also enhance interpretability by allowing us to understand which parts of the image or video the model focuses on. This can be crucial for applications requiring transparency, such as medical diagnostics.

Some potential future directions include:

  1. Unified Attention Frameworks: Developing general attention blocks that can adaptively decide the type of attention needed based on the task.
  2. Interpretability: Creating more interpretable attention mechanisms that can provide insights into decision-making processes.
  3. Efficiency: Designing lightweight attention models that are easy to deploy on edge devices without compromising performance.


Attention mechanisms have revolutionized computer vision by providing models with the ability to focus selectively on important features. By systematically categorizing and summarizing various attention methods, the paper offers a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners aiming to incorporate these powerful techniques into their work. The future of attention mechanisms looks promising, with endless possibilities for enhancing AI's capability to perceive and understand the world.

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