Emergent Mind

Minimax Optimal Regression over Sobolev Spaces via Laplacian Eigenmaps on Neighborhood Graphs

Published Nov 14, 2021 in math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


In this paper we study the statistical properties of Principal Components Regression with Laplacian Eigenmaps (PCR-LE), a method for nonparametric regression based on Laplacian Eigenmaps (LE). PCR-LE works by projecting a vector of observed responses ${\bf Y} = (Y1,\ldots,Yn)$ onto a subspace spanned by certain eigenvectors of a neighborhood graph Laplacian. We show that PCR-LE achieves minimax rates of convergence for random design regression over Sobolev spaces. Under sufficient smoothness conditions on the design density $p$, PCR-LE achieves the optimal rates for both estimation (where the optimal rate in squared $L2$ norm is known to be $n{-2s/(2s + d)}$) and goodness-of-fit testing ($n{-4s/(4s + d)}$). We also show that PCR-LE is \emph{manifold adaptive}: that is, we consider the situation where the design is supported on a manifold of small intrinsic dimension $m$, and give upper bounds establishing that PCR-LE achieves the faster minimax estimation ($n{-2s/(2s + m)}$) and testing ($n{-4s/(4s + m)}$) rates of convergence. Interestingly, these rates are almost always much faster than the known rates of convergence of graph Laplacian eigenvectors to their population-level limits; in other words, for this problem regression with estimated features appears to be much easier, statistically speaking, than estimating the features itself. We support these theoretical results with empirical evidence.

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