Emergent Mind


We investigate non-adaptive methods of deep ReLU neural network approximation in Bochner spaces $L2({\mathbb U}\infty, X, \mu)$ of functions on ${\mathbb U}\infty$ taking values in a separable Hilbert space $X$, where ${\mathbb U}\infty$ is either ${\mathbb R}\infty$ equipped with the standard Gaussian probability measure, or ${\mathbb I}\infty:= [-1,1]\infty$ equipped with the Jacobi probability measure. Functions to be approximated are assumed to satisfy a certain weighted $\ell2$-summability of the generalized chaos polynomial expansion coefficients with respect to the measure $\mu$. We prove the convergence rate of this approximation in terms of the size of approximating deep ReLU neural networks. These results then are applied to approximation of the solution to parametric elliptic PDEs with random inputs for the lognormal and affine cases.

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