Emergent Mind

Registration Techniques for Deformable Objects

Published Nov 7, 2021 in cs.CV and cs.CG


In general, the problem of non-rigid registration is about matching two different scans of a dynamic object taken at two different points in time. These scans can undergo both rigid motions and non-rigid deformations. Since new parts of the model may come into view and other parts get occluded in between two scans, the region of overlap is a subset of both scans. In the most general setting, no prior template shape is given and no markers or explicit feature point correspondences are available. So, this case is a partial matching problem that takes into account the assumption that consequent scans undergo small deformations while having a significant amount of overlapping area [28]. The problem which this thesis is addressing is mapping deforming objects and localizing cameras in the environment at the same time.

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