Emergent Mind


Objects in aerial images have greater variations in scale and orientation than in typical images, so detection is more difficult. Convolutional neural networks use a variety of frequency- and orientation-specific kernels to identify objects subject to different transformations; these require many parameters. Sampling equivariant networks can adjust sampling from input feature maps according to the transformation of the object, allowing a kernel to extract features of an object under different transformations. Doing so requires fewer parameters, and makes the network more suitable for representing deformable objects, like those in aerial images. However, methods like deformable convolutional networks can only provide sampling equivariance under certain circumstances, because of the locations used for sampling. We propose sampling equivariant self-attention networks which consider self-attention restricted to a local image patch as convolution sampling with masks instead of locations, and design a transformation embedding module to further improve the equivariant sampling ability. We also use a novel randomized normalization module to tackle overfitting due to limited aerial image data. We show that our model (i) provides significantly better sampling equivariance than existing methods, without additional supervision, (ii) provides improved classification on ImageNet, and (iii) achieves state-of-the-art results on the DOTA dataset, without increased computation.

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