Emergent Mind

Breaking the $n^k$ Barrier for Minimum $k$-cut on Simple Graphs

Published Nov 5, 2021 in cs.DS and math.CO


In the minimum $k$-cut problem, we want to find the minimum number of edges whose deletion breaks the input graph into at least $k$ connected components. The classic algorithm of Karger and Stein runs in $\tilde O(n{2k-2})$ time, and recent, exciting developments have improved the running time to $O(nk)$. For general, weighted graphs, this is tight assuming popular hardness conjectures. In this work, we show that perhaps surprisingly, $O(nk)$ is not the right answer for simple, unweighted graphs. We design an algorithm that runs in time $O(n{(1-\epsilon)k})$ where $\epsilon>0$ is an absolute constant, breaking the natural $nk$ barrier. This establishes a separation of the two problems in the unweighted and weighted cases.

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