Emergent Mind


Safe and smooth interacting with other vehicles is one of the ultimate goals of driving automation. However, recent reports of demonstrative deployments of automated vehicles (AVs) indicate that AVs are still difficult to meet the expectation of other interacting drivers, which leads to several AV accidents involving human-driven vehicles (HVs). This is most likely due to the lack of understanding about the dynamic interaction process, especially about the human drivers. By investigating the causes of 4,300 video clips of traffic accidents, we find that the limited dynamic visual field of drivers is one leading factor in inter-vehicle interaction accidents, especially in those involving trucks. A game-theoretic decision algorithm considering social compatibility is proposed to handle the interaction with a human-driven truck at an unsignalized intersection. Starting from a probabilistic model for the visual field characteristics of truck drivers, social fitness and reciprocal altruism in the decision are incorporated in the game payoff design. Human-in-the-loop experiments are carried out, in which 24 subjects are invited to drive and interact with AVs deployed with the proposed algorithm and two comparison algorithms. Totally 207 cases of intersection interactions are obtained and analyzed, which shows that the proposed decision-making algorithm can not only improve both safety and time efficiency, but also make AV decisions more in line with the expectation of interacting human drivers. These findings can help inform the design of automated driving decision algorithms, to ensure that AVs can be safely and efficiently integrated into the human-dominated traffic.

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