Emergent Mind

Linear-time Minimization of Wheeler DFAs

Published Nov 3, 2021 in cs.DS


Wheeler DFAs (WDFAs) are a sub-class of finite-state automata which is playing an important role in the emerging field of compressed data structures: as opposed to general automata, WDFAs can be stored in just $\log\sigma + O(1)$ bits per edge, $\sigma$ being the alphabet's size, and support optimal-time pattern matching queries on the substring closure of the language they recognize. An important step to achieve further compression is minimization. When the input $\mathcal A$ is a general deterministic finite-state automaton (DFA), the state-of-the-art is represented by the classic Hopcroft's algorithm, which runs in $O(|\mathcal A|\log |\mathcal A|)$ time. This algorithm stands at the core of the only existing minimization algorithm for Wheeler DFAs, which inherits its complexity. In this work, we show that the minimum WDFA equivalent to a given input WDFA can be computed in linear $O(|\mathcal A|)$ time. When run on de Bruijn WDFAs built from real DNA datasets, an implementation of our algorithm reduces the number of nodes from 14% to 51% at a speed of more than 1 million nodes per second.

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