Emergent Mind

An Improved Algorithm for The $k$-Dyck Edit Distance Problem

Published Nov 3, 2021 in cs.DS


A Dyck sequence is a sequence of opening and closing parentheses (of various types) that is balanced. The Dyck edit distance of a given sequence of parentheses $S$ is the smallest number of edit operations (insertions, deletions, and substitutions) needed to transform $S$ into a Dyck sequence. We consider the threshold Dyck edit distance problem, where the input is a sequence of parentheses $S$ and a positive integer $k$, and the goal is to compute the Dyck edit distance of $S$ only if the distance is at most $k$, and otherwise report that the distance is larger than $k$. Backurs and Onak [PODS'16] showed that the threshold Dyck edit distance problem can be solved in $O(n+k{16})$ time. In this work, we design new algorithms for the threshold Dyck edit distance problem which costs $O(n+k{4.544184})$ time with high probability or $O(n+k{4.853059})$ deterministically. Our algorithms combine several new structural properties of the Dyck edit distance problem, a refined algorithm for fast $(\min,+)$ matrix product, and a careful modification of ideas used in Valiant's parsing algorithm.

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