Emergent Mind

Finding the KT partition of a weighted graph in near-linear time

Published Nov 2, 2021 in cs.DS and quant-ph


In a breakthrough work, Kawarabayashi and Thorup (J.~ACM'19) gave a near-linear time deterministic algorithm for minimum cut in a simple graph $G = (V,E)$. A key component is finding the $(1+\varepsilon)$-KT partition of $G$, the coarsest partition ${P1, \ldots, Pk}$ of $V$ such that for every non-trivial $(1+\varepsilon)$-near minimum cut with sides ${S, \bar{S}}$ it holds that $P_i$ is contained in either $S$ or $\bar{S}$, for $i=1, \ldots, k$. Here we give a near-linear time randomized algorithm to find the $(1+\varepsilon)$-KT partition of a weighted graph. Our algorithm is quite different from that of Kawarabayashi and Thorup and builds on Karger's framework of tree-respecting cuts (J.~ACM'00). We describe applications of the algorithm. (i) The algorithm makes progress towards a more efficient algorithm for constructing the polygon representation of the set of near-minimum cuts in a graph. This is a generalization of the cactus representation initially described by Bencz\'ur (FOCS'95). (ii) We improve the time complexity of a recent quantum algorithm for minimum cut in a simple graph in the adjacency list model from $\widetilde O(n{3/2})$ to $\widetilde O(\sqrt{mn})$. (iii) We describe a new type of randomized algorithm for minimum cut in simple graphs with complexity $O(m + n \log6 n)$. For slightly dense graphs this matches the complexity of the current best $O(m + n \log2 n)$ algorithm which uses a different approach based on random contractions. The key technical contribution of our work is the following. Given a weighted graph $G$ with $m$ edges and a spanning tree $T$, consider the graph $H$ whose nodes are the edges of $T$, and where there is an edge between two nodes of $H$ iff the corresponding 2-respecting cut of $T$ is a non-trivial near-minimum cut of $G$. We give a $O(m \log4 n)$ time deterministic algorithm to compute a spanning forest of $H$.

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