Emergent Mind


This paper reports on the evaluation of Deep Learning (DL) transformer architecture models for Named-Entity Recognition (NER) on ten low-resourced South African (SA) languages. In addition, these DL transformer models were compared to other Neural Network and Machine Learning (ML) NER models. The findings show that transformer models substantially improve performance when applying discrete fine-tuning parameters per language. Furthermore, fine-tuned transformer models outperform other neural network and machine learning models on NER with the low-resourced SA languages. For example, the transformer models obtained the highest F-scores for six of the ten SA languages and the highest average F-score surpassing the Conditional Random Fields ML model. Practical implications include developing high-performance NER capability with less effort and resource costs, potentially improving downstream NLP tasks such as Machine Translation (MT). Therefore, the application of DL transformer architecture models for NLP NER sequence tagging tasks on low-resourced SA languages is viable. Additional research could evaluate the more recent transformer architecture models on other Natural Language Processing tasks and applications, such as Phrase chunking, MT, and Part-of-Speech tagging.

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