Emergent Mind

Active Learning for Deep Visual Tracking

Published Oct 17, 2021 in cs.CV


Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been successfully applied to the single target tracking task in recent years. Generally, training a deep CNN model requires numerous labeled training samples, and the number and quality of these samples directly affect the representational capability of the trained model. However, this approach is restrictive in practice, because manually labeling such a large number of training samples is time-consuming and prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we propose an active learning method for deep visual tracking, which selects and annotates the unlabeled samples to train the deep CNNs model. Under the guidance of active learning, the tracker based on the trained deep CNNs model can achieve competitive tracking performance while reducing the labeling cost. More specifically, to ensure the diversity of selected samples, we propose an active learning method based on multi-frame collaboration to select those training samples that should be and need to be annotated. Meanwhile, considering the representativeness of these selected samples, we adopt a nearest neighbor discrimination method based on the average nearest neighbor distance to screen isolated samples and low-quality samples. Therefore, the training samples subset selected based on our method requires only a given budget to maintain the diversity and representativeness of the entire sample set. Furthermore, we adopt a Tversky loss to improve the bounding box estimation of our tracker, which can ensure that the tracker achieves more accurate target states. Extensive experimental results confirm that our active learning-based tracker (ALT) achieves competitive tracking accuracy and speed compared with state-of-the-art trackers on the seven most challenging evaluation benchmarks.

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