Emergent Mind

Vis-TOP: Visual Transformer Overlay Processor

Published Oct 21, 2021 in cs.CV and cs.AR


In recent years, Transformer has achieved good results in NLP and has also started to expand into Computer Vision (CV). Excellent models such as the Vision Transformer and Swin Transformer have emerged. At the same time, the platform for Transformer models was extended to embedded devices to meet some resource-sensitive application scenarios. However, due to the large number of parameters, the complex computational flow and the many different structural variants of Transformer models, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed in its hardware design. This is both an opportunity and a challenge. We propose Vis-TOP (Visual Transformer Overlay Processor), an overlay processor for various visual Transformer models. It differs from coarse-grained overlay processors such as CPU, GPU, NPE, and from fine-grained customized designs for a specific model. Vis-TOP summarizes the characteristics of all visual Transformer models and implements a three-layer and two-level transformation structure that allows the model to be switched or changed freely without changing the hardware architecture. At the same time, the corresponding instruction bundle and hardware architecture are designed in three-layer and two-level transformation structure. After quantization of Swin Transformer tiny model using 8-bit fixed points (fix_8), we implemented an overlay processor on the ZCU102. Compared to GPU, the TOP throughput is 1.5x higher. Compared to the existing Transformer accelerators, our throughput per DSP is between 2.2x and 11.7x higher than others. In a word, the approach in this paper meets the requirements of real-time AI in terms of both resource consumption and inference speed. Vis-TOP provides a cost-effective and power-effective solution based on reconfigurable devices for computer vision at the edge.

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