Emergent Mind


While we pay attention to the latest advances in clinical NLP, we can notice some resistance in the clinical and translational research community to adopt NLP models due to limited transparency, interpretability, and usability. In this study, we proposed an open natural language processing development framework. We evaluated it through the implementation of NLP algorithms for the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C). Based on the interests in information extraction from COVID-19 related clinical notes, our work includes 1) an open data annotation process using COVID-19 signs and symptoms as the use case, 2) a community-driven ruleset composing platform, and 3) a synthetic text data generation workflow to generate texts for information extraction tasks without involving human subjects. The corpora were derived from texts from three different institutions (Mayo Clinic, University of Kentucky, University of Minnesota). The gold standard annotations were tested with a single institution's (Mayo) ruleset. This resulted in performances of 0.876, 0.706, and 0.694 in F-scores for Mayo, Minnesota, and Kentucky test datasets, respectively. The study as a consortium effort of the N3C NLP subgroup demonstrates the feasibility of creating a federated NLP algorithm development and benchmarking platform to enhance multi-institution clinical NLP study and adoption. Although we use COVID-19 as a use case in this effort, our framework is general enough to be applied to other domains of interest in clinical NLP.

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