Emergent Mind

Empirical Policy Optimization for $n$-Player Markov Games

Published Oct 18, 2021 in cs.GT


In single-agent Markov decision processes, an agent can optimize its policy based on the interaction with environment. In multi-player Markov games (MGs), however, the interaction is non-stationary due to the behaviors of other players, so the agent has no fixed optimization objective. In this paper, we treat the evolution of player policies as a dynamical process and propose a novel learning scheme for Nash equilibrium. The core is to evolve one's policy according to not just its current in-game performance, but an aggregation of its performance over history. We show that for a variety of MGs, players in our learning scheme will provably converge to a point that is an approximation to Nash equilibrium. Combined with neural networks, we develop the \emph{empirical policy optimization} algorithm, that is implemented in a reinforcement-learning framework and runs in a distributed way, with each player optimizing its policy based on own observations. We use two numerical examples to validate the convergence property on small-scale MGs with $n\ge 2$ players, and a pong example to show the potential of our algorithm on large games.

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