Emergent Mind

Non-Euclidean Contraction Analysis of Continuous-Time Neural Networks

Published Oct 15, 2021 in math.OC , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Critical questions in dynamical neuroscience and machine learning are related to the study of continuous-time neural networks and their stability, robustness, and computational efficiency. These properties can be simultaneously established via a contraction analysis. This paper develops a comprehensive non-Euclidean contraction theory for continuous-time neural networks. First, for non-Euclidean $\ell{1}/\ell{\infty}$ logarithmic norms, we establish quasiconvexity with respect to positive diagonal weights and closed-form worst-case expressions over certain matrix polytopes. Second, for locally Lipschitz maps (e.g., arising as activation functions), we show that their one-sided Lipschitz constant equals the essential supremum of the logarithmic norm of their Jacobian. Third and final, we apply these general results to classes of continuous-time neural networks, including Hopfield, firing rate, Persidskii, Lur'e and other models. For each model, we compute the optimal contraction rate and corresponding weighted non-Euclidean norm via a linear program or, in some special cases, via a Hurwitz condition on the Metzler majorant of the synaptic matrix. Our non-Euclidean analysis establishes also absolute, connective, and total contraction properties.

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