Emergent Mind

Music Sentiment Transfer

Published Oct 12, 2021 in cs.SD , cs.LG , cs.MM , and eess.AS


Music sentiment transfer is a completely novel task. Sentiment transfer is a natural evolution of the heavily-studied style transfer task, as sentiment transfer is rooted in applying the sentiment of a source to be the new sentiment for a target piece of media; yet compared to style transfer, sentiment transfer has been only scantily studied on images. Music sentiment transfer attempts to apply the high level objective of sentiment transfer to the domain of music. We propose CycleGAN to bridge disparate domains. In order to use the network, we choose to use symbolic, MIDI, data as the music format. Through the use of a cycle consistency loss, we are able to create one-to-one mappings that preserve the content and realism of the source data. Results and literature suggest that the task of music sentiment transfer is more difficult than image sentiment transfer because of the temporal characteristics of music and lack of existing datasets.

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