Emergent Mind

Nonconvex-Nonconcave Min-Max Optimization with a Small Maximization Domain

Published Oct 8, 2021 in math.OC , cs.GT , and cs.LG


We study the problem of finding approximate first-order stationary points in optimization problems of the form $\min{x \in X} \max{y \in Y} f(x,y)$, where the sets $X,Y$ are convex and $Y$ is compact. The objective function $f$ is smooth, but assumed neither convex in $x$ nor concave in $y$. Our approach relies upon replacing the function $f(x,\cdot)$ with its $k$th order Taylor approximation (in $y$) and finding a near-stationary point in the resulting surrogate problem. To guarantee its success, we establish the following result: let the Euclidean diameter of $Y$ be small in terms of the target accuracy $\varepsilon$, namely $O(\varepsilon{\frac{2}{k+1}})$ for $k \in \mathbb{N}$ and $O(\varepsilon)$ for $k = 0$, with the constant factors controlled by certain regularity parameters of $f$; then any $\varepsilon$-stationary point in the surrogate problem remains $O(\varepsilon)$-stationary for the initial problem. Moreover, we show that these upper bounds are nearly optimal: the aforementioned reduction provably fails when the diameter of $Y$ is larger. For $0 \le k \le 2$ the surrogate function can be efficiently maximized in $y$; our general approximation result then leads to efficient algorithms for finding a near-stationary point in nonconvex-nonconcave min-max problems, for which we also provide convergence guarantees.

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