Emergent Mind

Context-Aware Unsupervised Clustering for Person Search

Published Oct 4, 2021 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


The existing person search methods use the annotated labels of person identities to train deep networks in a supervised manner that requires a huge amount of time and effort for human labeling. In this paper, we first introduce a novel framework of person search that is able to train the network in the absence of the person identity labels, and propose efficient unsupervised clustering methods to substitute the supervision process using annotated person identity labels. Specifically, we propose a hard negative mining scheme based on the uniqueness property that only a single person has the same identity to a given query person in each image. We also propose a hard positive mining scheme by using the contextual information of co-appearance that neighboring persons in one image tend to appear simultaneously in other images. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves comparable performance to that of the state-of-the-art supervised person search methods, and furthermore outperforms the extended unsupervised person re-identification methods on the benchmark person search datasets.

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