Emergent Mind

Fast and Exact Convex Hull Simplification

Published Oct 1, 2021 in cs.CG


Given a point set $P$ in the plane, we seek a subset $Q\subseteq P$, whose convex hull gives a smaller and thus simpler representation of the convex hull of $P$. Specifically, let $cost(Q,P)$ denote the Hausdorff distance between the convex hulls $\mathcal{CH}(Q)$ and $\mathcal{CH}(P)$. Then given a value $\varepsilon>0$ we seek the smallest subset $Q\subseteq P$ such that $cost(Q,P)\leq \varepsilon$. We also consider the dual version, where given an integer $k$, we seek the subset $Q\subseteq P$ which minimizes $cost(Q,P)$, such that $|Q|\leq k$. For these problems, when $P$ is in convex position, we respectively give an $O(n\log2 n)$ time algorithm and an $O(n\log3 n)$ time algorithm, where the latter running time holds with high probability. When there is no restriction on $P$, we show the problem can be reduced to APSP in an unweighted directed graph, yielding an $O(n{2.5302})$ time algorithm when minimizing $k$ and an $O(\min{n{2.5302}, kn{2.376}})$ time algorithm when minimizing $\varepsilon$, using prior results for APSP. Finally, we show our near linear algorithms for convex position give 2-approximations for the general case.

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