Emergent Mind

Multilingual Fact Linking

Published Sep 29, 2021 in cs.CL


Knowledge-intensive NLP tasks can benefit from linking natural language text with facts from a Knowledge Graph (KG). Although facts themselves are language-agnostic, the fact labels (i.e., language-specific representation of the fact) in the KG are often present only in a few languages. This makes it challenging to link KG facts to sentences in languages other than the limited set of languages. To address this problem, we introduce the task of Multilingual Fact Linking (MFL) where the goal is to link fact expressed in a sentence to corresponding fact in the KG, even when the fact label in the KG is not available in the language of the sentence. To facilitate research in this area, we present a new evaluation dataset, IndicLink. This dataset contains 11,293 linked WikiData facts and 6,429 sentences spanning English and six Indian languages. We propose a Retrieval+Generation model, ReFCoG, that can scale to millions of KG facts by combining Dual Encoder based retrieval with a Seq2Seq based generation model which is constrained to output only valid KG facts. ReFCoG outperforms standard Retrieval+Re-ranking models by 10.7 pts in Precision@1. In spite of this gain, the model achieves an overall score of 52.1, showing ample scope for improvement in the task.ReFCoG code and IndicLink data are available at https://github.com/SaiKeshav/mfl

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