Emergent Mind

Weakly Supervised Keypoint Discovery

Published Sep 28, 2021 in cs.CV


In this paper, we propose a method for keypoint discovery from a 2D image using image-level supervision. Recent works on unsupervised keypoint discovery reliably discover keypoints of aligned instances. However, when the target instances have high viewpoint or appearance variation, the discovered keypoints do not match the semantic correspondences over different images. Our work aims to discover keypoints even when the target instances have high viewpoint and appearance variation by using image-level supervision. Motivated by the weakly-supervised learning approach, our method exploits image-level supervision to identify discriminative parts and infer the viewpoint of the target instance. To discover diverse parts, we adopt a conditional image generation approach using a pair of images with structural deformation. Finally, we enforce a viewpoint-based equivariance constraint using the keypoints from the image-level supervision to resolve the spatial correlation problem that consistently appears in the images taken from various viewpoints. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance for the task of keypoint estimation on the limited supervision scenarios. Furthermore, the discovered keypoints are directly applicable to downstream tasks without requiring any keypoint labels.

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