Emergent Mind


Frequent Directions, as a deterministic matrix sketching technique, has been proposed for tackling low-rank approximation problems. This method has a high degree of accuracy and practicality, but experiences a lot of computational cost for large-scale data. Several recent works on the randomized version of Frequent Directions greatly improve the computational efficiency, but unfortunately sacrifice some precision. To remedy such issue, this paper aims to find a more accurate projection subspace to further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the existing Frequent Directions techniques. Specifically, by utilizing the power of Block Krylov Iteration and random projection technique, this paper presents a fast and accurate Frequent Directions algorithm named as r-BKIFD. The rigorous theoretical analysis shows that the proposed r-BKIFD has a comparable error bound with original Frequent Directions, and the approximation error can be arbitrarily small when the number of iterations is chosen appropriately. Extensive experimental results on both synthetic and real data further demonstrate the superiority of r-BKIFD over several popular Frequent Directions algorithms, both in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy.

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