Emergent Mind

Secrecy Offloading Rate Maximization for Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing Networks

Published Sep 21, 2021 in cs.IT , eess.SP , and math.IT


This letter considers a multi-access mobile edge computing (MEC) network consisting of multiple users, multiple base stations, and a malicious eavesdropper. Specifically, the users adopt the partial offloading strategy by partitioning the computation task into several parts. One is executed locally and the others are securely offloaded to multiple MEC servers integrated into the base stations by leveraging the physical layer security to combat the eavesdropping. We jointly optimize power allocation, task partition, subcarrier allocation, and computation resource to maximize the secrecy offloading rate of the users, subject to communication and computation resource constraints. Numerical results demonstrate that our proposed scheme can respectively improve the secrecy offloading rate 1.11%--1.39% and 15.05%--17.35% (versus the increase of tasks' latency requirements), and 1.30%--1.75% and 6.08%--9.22% (versus the increase of the maximum transmit power) compared with the two benchmarks. Moreover, it further emphasizes the necessity of conducting computation offloading over multiple MEC servers.

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